Date and time
time |
10:00 AM |
short date |
January 11 |
abbreviated short date |
Jan 11 |
long date |
April 23, 2010 |
abbreviated long date |
Apr 23, 2010 |
short date and time |
February 5, 8:00 AM |
abbreviated short date and time |
Feb 5, 8:00 AM |
long date and time |
February 8, 2016, 1:00 PM |
abbreviated long date and time |
Feb 8, 2016, 1:00 PM |
day of week and time |
Monday, 7:30 AM |
abbreviated day of week and time |
Mon, 7:30 AM |
day of week, short date and time |
Monday, March 15, 3:25 PM |
abbreviated day of week, abbreviated short date and time
Mon, Mar 15, 3:25 PM |
Smart format
For dates/times associated with user generated data (e.g., notes,
documents), use the smart format
which changes relative to the current date.
If the date is in the past or future on the current day, format as
time only
10:00 AM |
If the date is in the past or future within the current calendar
year, format as short date
January 11 |
If the date is in the past or future outside the current calendar
year, format as long date
April 23, 2010 |
For reminders or appointments, show both time and date | Jun 8, 8:00 AM Today, 8:00 AM |
Separate ranges with an en-dash without a space |
Jun 15–Jun 16 Dec 20, 2014–Jan 2, 2015 |
If a time range shares a common AM/PM, append only on the end of the range | 10:00–11:00 AM 10:00 AM–12:30 PM |
File sizes
- 340 KB (round to nearest KB)
- 4.13 MB (two decimal max)
- 3.22 GB (two decimal max)
- 1.13 TB (two decimal max)
The patterns below are deprecated for external (public) facing applications. Internal (non-public facing) applications may use these formats at their discretion.
In some limited circumstances these are still acceptable to use (e.g. legacy or internal), but please ensure you are using the current standardized date format above for publically accessible applications.
condensed long date |
Condensed long date usage
The condensed version of the long date format has 3 variations:
is the format most used
in the US, whereas DD/MM/YYYY
used most outside the US. Depending on the date, the format, and the
geographical location or customs of the user, a date has the potential for
being misinterpreted if the format is not what the user is expecting. The
only non-ambiguous format is
Depending on your target audience, determine which format makes the most sense for your application.